Top 5 Albums/EP’s That DON’T Suck [JUNE 2019]

chunder insightChunder – Insight
Man, I keep saying this, but Russia is killin’ it right now. It seems like every other Doesn’t English I do is a Russian band, and then you got these Russian bands writing songs in English too and STILL killin’ it! I was thinking about this recently: You would assume writing lyrics in a language that is not your native tongue would be harder, but I think it might actually give you an edge. I notice a lot of bands writing in English as a second language have really strong lyrics. It just seems stripped down and less contrived. That’s how it sounds to me anyway. Regardless of what language it’s in, Chunder is gonna slap your ass off with various arrangements of various strains of the punk and also the rock. Keep an eye on Russia you guys. That’s a big-ass country with a lot of pissed off people. The perfect conditions for our favourite kind of music.   Listen on Bandcamp

wrip big waveWrip – Big Wave  [Buy it on Amazon!]
I’m not gonna lie, when I saw the album cover I was expecting surf rock or ska punk. Needless to say I was pleasantly relieved when it was neither. I can see all the ska-heads just rage-skanking on the spot right now. Calm down Rudies! It’s not that ska punk sucks, it’s just that I made myself sick of it in the 90’s. You know, like when you eat too many chicken nuggets and then it’s like: wow chicken nuggets are gross. I guess what I’m trying to say is: ska punk and chicken nuggets have more in common than we originally thought, and to be fair, we originally thought they had quite a bit in common already. Now you surf rockers can calm your board shorts too alright. Nothing wrong with a little surf rock. I just prefer it in very small doses. It seems like this whole write up has just been damage-control for my opening statement. I think we all have a pretty good idea of what this album sounds like though. I said it wasn’t ska punk or surf rock. You know I wouldn’t do that to you. It’s safe to go listen to this.   Listen on Bandcamp or Spotify

pencildive when i go outsidePencildive – When I Go Outside  [Buy it on Amazon!]
Soft.. AND THEN LOUD! and then soft.. AND THEN LOUD! But wait.. it gets soft again, AND THEN LOUD AGAIN! It sounds like I’m poking fun at this, and maybe I am a bit, but then again, I love it so much. Seriously, I can’t get enough. I love the name too: Pencildive, like when you jump into a pool feet first, OR, when you write sick-ass poetry and make it into dope af songs. I don’t know why, and I doubt it was intentional, but track two reminds me of The Voluptuous Horror Of Karen Black in it’s vocal delivery. FUN FACT: Adam Pfahler (of Jawbreaker)’s sister was the singer for The Voluptuous Horror. Yes it’s true, but her name was not Karen. I love strange and random musical facts like that, don’t you? I thought you might. See this is why we’re friends. Wanna play after school? What do you mean you have soccer practice? Fine, feck yew!   Listen on Bandcamp or Spotify

fm naaramFM – Naaram
Goddamn you guys for releasing such a dope record right at the end of June. You know I had my whole Top 5 written? Then you come along with this amazing release and force me to drop someone from the list. I had a pretty good write-up for that band too, let me tell you. It might have been the best thing I’ve ever written. I don’t like to brag, but some people compared it to Tolstoy, I’m just sayin’. No one will ever read it now, though, because the almighty FM has taken it’s place and now you get to read this utter tripe instead! I hope you’re happy FM! By the way, FM is a cool name for a band but it’s also a radio modulation, so that makes it impossible to google you. Luckily I was able to track your facebook page down through the LaFlor Records page, and confirmed that you are indeed from Peru. The best Peruvian band I’ve heard in a minute too. Larga vida la nueva ola!   Listen on Bandcamp or Spotify

the pedestrians self help shock therapyThe Pedestrians – Self Help Shock Therapy [Buy it on Amazon!]
This has some 90’s melodic hardcore vibe going on, with some antics thrown in. There’s some 80’s influence here too. Kind of a throwback band which is awesome, and refreshing. How can a re-hashed sound be refreshing though? Well you wash it off, you shine it up with some spit, refrigerate it for ninety minutes, put your own attitude behind it and there you go. It’s vile, it’s unapologetic, and it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. The punk rock spirit is strong in these lads. They’ve obviously done their homework. And by homework I mean drugs! Just kidding I mean homework as in listening to rad bands, but maybe drugs too.   Listen on Bandcamp or Spotify

ENDNOTES: This month’s Top 5 is coming to you a bit early cuz I’m going to be busy with other things this weekend. I hope I don’t miss anything really good that comes out today or tomorrow, but anyway.. Back to my point about the chicken nuggets: Unlike nuggets, some things you can eat tons of and never get sick of, like Takis Purple for example. Jawbreaker is my Takis. Ska punk will never be Takis. I would like very much for Takis to sponsor my blog. Alright well, thank you for reading the best new music resource on the cyberwebs. Your interest is very much appreciated. Be sure to check the ol’ SCRAP HEAP for many more rad bands and sick albums that I came across this month, and previous months. As always, I would like to encourage people to write letters to me so I can post them on the blog. As long as they’re not totally stupid. This is a very serious blog ok. Yeah bye.